Jan 17, 2014


        Our education is a different system compare to other countries but it is very efficient if it is simplified for practical training. Our syllabus is having lots of lessons to understand, it will be more helpful to learn the things from childhood to young stage. If they are simplified with the easy understanding methods they will give new results in education.
        Mathematics is one of the important subjects in school and college subjects so that, from childhood onwards we should make it easier will help the child to involve in mathematics. Lots of ways are there to make the children involved in mathematics, and other subjects. From the childhood onwards they will give some shortcut methods about the mathematics solving. This will improve their mind speed in the modern world. For each half of the year (six months at once) school children should be allowed to conduct the science exhibition which will give large amount of knowledge in the field of technology and also it develops the creativity mind and the capacity to handle the crowds and how to behave in between the public.
        At the month end in each and every schools should prepare for speaking, writing, drawing etc., competitions will create the new ideas to the children. Co-curricular activities should be encouraged since they will give refreshment to the mind. Much amount of books should be published over the government websites will improve new development in studying because the school children are taking their books with heavy weight. Our government should provide some opportunities and offers to start the Smart schools otherwise they will give some government order to change the schools which already taught the normal lessons. This is futuristic aim. The smart classes will give more efficient teaching compare to the nowadays system. In these sorts of schools all the lessons are virtually seen by the students or hear by the students, so that it will clearly fix on their mind.
        In colleges they should provide the permission to the industrial visit and in plant training. This is also helping the young students to know about the company environment related to their field. In in plant training they will have the latest trends and ideas in their own field because their normal syllabus and teaching methods doesn’t give proper practical training about the industrial experience. More number of computer technology should be taught to the students will increase their mind absorbing capacity with certain things.